£23.00 GBP
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Your final is done, heading back to the pits you take your buggy off the starter box only to reveal that your day old starter box now has scratches and in some areas, the paint has been chipped away, kicking yourself after realising you should have added that Pro-Skin to your decal order last week, say no more, Configure, CLICK, " ADD TO CART", we'll do the rest!


    140 Microns

    Doesn't sound much, but your Starterbox now has over-engineered protection that we keep it looking new for years!


    Unrivalled coverage

    We go through painstaking development creating these Pro Skins, so your equipment has the perfect coverage without affecting its use. 


    That perfect replication 

      Make sure that your custom paint scheme is matched, drop shadows - faded hex effect - paint splatters, no problem, consider it done!

      What our customers think!

      We’re looking for stars!
      In order for us to improve, please let us know about your experience!